· Your skin is made up of 3 main layers.
· Your skin is considered the largest organ in the human body.
· Your skin is made up of three major layers - epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis (also called the subcutaneous tissue).
· Your skin protects your inside organs while keeping infections out and prevents you from getting sick.
· Your skin loses about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells from the surface almost every minute, even though you do not see it happening.
· Your skin sheds a layer of these dead cells every 24 hours and renews itself about every 28 days.
· Your skin swells when it absorbs water.
· Your skin contains a protein called keratin which is also found in hair and nails
· Your skin is the thinnest on the eyelid.
· Goose bumps are actually little pimples that help retain a layer of warm air over our body.